

Is it a question or a statement?
Focus on the pitch of the voice

(French version)

TESTS - Many thanks to Fiona and her son Nathan! - Sources - List of items

Rising intonation↑ : the pitch gets higher and higher

  • I'm expecting a 'yes' or a 'no' to my closed question
Do you have tickets? ↑
  • I want to know the other person's opinion as I don't know the answer
John and Mark aren't English ↓, are they ↑?
  • I'm listing, enumerating
One ↑, two ↑, three ↑, four ↑, five ↓.
  • There is a choice, an alternative
Would you like coffee ↑ or tea ↓ ?
  • I start with one condition
If he calls ↑, tell him about the conference ↓, please.
  • I'm introducing what will follow
According to his words ↑, he was at home ↓.
  • I haven't finished yet, don't interrupt me till I'm finished
If I try to do that now ↑, while Im' talking ↑, then what it suggests to you ↑, is that I haven't quite finished yet ↑, and you'll know when I'm finished ↑ because I'm gonna use use this downward inflection ↓.
  • There is a contradiction between the two clauses
I live in Madrid ↑, but I was born in Canada↓.
  • I didn't hear well the first time so I'm asking a question again to make sure
When did you say he's coming ↑ ?
  • I'm suggesting something I haven't decided yet
Let's go out tonight, shall we ↑?
  • I'm giving an instruction, a command or an order
Pass me the remote control, will you ↑ ?
  • I'm making a comment in order to criticize
Are you insane ↑?


Falling intonation : the pitch gets lower and lower

  • I'm asking for information (WH questions)
When is he coming ↓?
  • I'm making a statement, I'm not asking
Betty lives in London ↓.
  • I'm giving an instruction, a command or an order
Stop it! Sit down! ↓
  • Exclamation!
How nice of you ↓!
  • I have finished. Your turn to speak now
If I try to do that now ↑, while Im' talking ↑, then what it suggests to you ↑, is that I haven't quite finished yet ↑, and you'll know when I'm finished ↑ because I'm gonna use use this downward inflection ↓.
  • I'm not really asking for your opinion; it's more like a statement
You’ve got the keys, haven’t you? ↓.
  • I'm introducing people
Mrs Smith, this is Mary Brown ↓.
  • I'm ending my sentence with a contradictory element
I live in Madrid ↑, but I was born in Canada↓.
  • I have finished listing, enumerating
One ↑, two ↑, three ↑, four ↑, five ↓.
  • I'm offering a choice
Would you like coffee ↑ or tea ↓ ?
  • I'm making a comment. This is not a question!
Wasn't it great ↓?
  • I'm just suggesting
How about we just go home?↓?