The strike ---- went on for several months has just ended.

The workers ---- wanted a pay-rise only obtained 5%.

The trade-union ---- position is well-known, has made no comment.

Our factory shop-steward ---- I told you about, is disappointed.

The strikers, some of ---- had already resumed work last week, were undecided.

Those picketers ---- came from other factories, were stopped by the police.

The only violence ---- took place was when trouble broke out because of outside picketing.

Management and labour are now planning new talks ---- should begin next month.





We saw a masked bandit. He was holding a gun.

He was brandishing a revolver. He pointed it at the cashier.

The cashier gave the alarm. The robber was threatening him.

The alarm closed the doors automatically. They locked the bandit inside.

The cashier - I forget his name - then telephoned for the police.

The police surrounded the bank. Their van arrived quickly.

They arrested the criminal. They knew of his activities.

He was a dangerous gangster. They were looking for him.

He already took part in a train robbery. you have probably heard of it.

He was a member of a gang. Some of them are already in prison.




He has written to the parents ---- chidren are always naughty.

He will probably reward those ---- have passed the exam.

Had you ever heard of the town ---- she quoted?

Everybody noticed the boy ---- you were speaking with.

She forgot the headache ---- she was suffering from.

He stopped the relay ---- had just begun.

That was the reason ---- everybody felt so happy.

He would tell stories ---- made everybody laugh.

I enjoy being with people ---- ideas I know.

She must be washing napkins, ---- is not very interesting!

Our journey, ---- was tiring, ended in Liverpool.

She lives with her father, ---- always gives her money.

He had to join the queue, ----was awfully long.

I did not recognize my village, ---- had grown a lot.

He kept talking about his wife, ---- was beautiful.

That war, ---- lasted for years, was horrible.

You could but look at her eyes, ---- were deep-blue.

He threatened the plumber, ---- was working in the room.

Her house, ---- is painted white, is the nicest in the street.

He held his sword over the Knight, ---- was on his knees.

They were trying to mow the lawn, ---- they thought was particularly tiring.

Fox-hunting, ---- is a famous sport, attracts a lot of people.

William, ---- you met yesterday, will come, too.

He continued the fight, ---- ended but a year later.

The atmosphere, ---- is given out by the medieval houses, is one of peace and calm.

My grandfather, ---- you enjoyed talking to, moved last week.

York, ---- is in the North, is well-known for her cathedral.

She accuses the game-keeper, ---- spends the time spying on her.

I appreciated the pie, ---- had been made by her mum.

Greediness, ---- is common, is said to be a sin.

They kill whales, the meat ---- is eaten in northern countries.

That farmer, ---- used to complain about everything, was as rich as us.

Although it is a sport, I hate hunting, ---- I think is cruel.

This sugar-basin, the lid ---- has been broken, is ten years old.

I left the cloth, ---- was dirty ,outside, on the table.

We had lunch in Hyde park, ---- is the biggest park in London.

She enjoyed the company of that man, ---- was a cripple.

I suppose you know Mr John, ---- is our headmaster?

He punished the pupils, ---- bad reports had been sent home.

That festival, ----is famous all over the world, takes place in July.

The match, ---- opposed Dublin to Liverpool, was exciting.

Being a referee, ---- is difficult, is well paid.

The old lady ---- handbag had been stolen, went to the police.

He must spend two years in a detention centre, ---- is a sort of prison.

They should look for someone ---- could help them.

Here is the man ---- window-pane has been broken.

He did not say a word, ---- I thought was strange.

Here are the people ---- flight has been cancelled.

 ---- was odd about it was that it occured at night.

You are the first person ---- dares tell me such a lie!

The memorial ---- you are thinking of has been knocked down.

She wore a wig ---- made her look older.

He knocked at the farmhouse, the door ---- was closed.

The smoke ---- came out of the chimney was bluish.

He does not deserve the good reputation ---- he has in town.

Constable John is asking questions to the man ---- sheep has been killed.

 ---- was boring about it was that she always read the text twice.

He would give nothing for the poor, ---- was not charitable.

Look at the lady ---- is standing there!

This is one of the loveliest pictures ---- I have ever seen!

She understood he was the one ---- she had been waiting for.

You are the only person ---- I can trust.

She will continue the investigation ---- he has started.

All ---- he cared for was his job.

I know nothing of the hobbies ---- she is interested in.

Do you remember the young boy ---- I went out with, last year?

Her dog, ---- should have been on a lead, ran away.

He sent me the bill, ---- he had not paid , of course!

I can't stand people ---- always show off.

We had to swerve, to avoid the car ----was in the middle of the road.

Everybody was staring at the window ---- he had jumped from.

He dived into the water, ---- was awfully cold.

She attends evening lessons, during ---- time he goes to the pub.

He says he would have them back, ---- I would never do!

The balloon, ---- was too heavy, fell into the ocean.

He has drawn a picture ---- he has put in a bottle.

I eventually got the lady ---- number I had dialled twice.





The students ---- had written the best reports went to the meeting.

It is the only thing ---- would soften such a denial.

The workers ---- were all embarrassed, did not say a word.

The car ---- they have hired is a small one.

That man, ---- went to live in England after the events, has written some famous novels.

Mosquitoes, ---- often bite, like blood.

I know the ones ---- would not agree.

They often give parties ---- finish very late.

Oxford, ---- is famous all over the world, is well worth a visit.

My mother, ---- is a very demanding person, is never satisfied.

This lady, ---- nobody has met yet, is said to be nice-looking.

She is the teacher ---- hair is so long!

Show it to the lady ---- hat is on the table.

My boss, ---- job is difficult, is responsible for the whole plant.

Mine is the house ---- roof is new.

She explained it to Mr Jones, ---- was waiting outside.

Shakespeare, ---- masterpieces you know, died in 1616.

He is the man ---- the book was given to, by mistake.

I do not know whether his potatoes, ---- he bought yesterday, will be good or not.

The cards, ---- were dusty, remained on the table for weeks.

Dora, ---- nickname you know, lives in Greece now.

She has no illusion about ---- will happen if she stays there.

Negotiations, ---- can take a long time, started yesterday.

We live in the tradition of those ---- were here before.

The story ---- he told everyone was not funny.

All ---- you say is true.

The walls were whitewashed, ---- made the cottage look cleaner.

Here are all those ---- have become secret agents so far.

Women ---- husbands are out of work can't stay at home.

The penthouse ---- we were having a drink in was very large.

They were unsettled people, ---- had nowhere to go.

He was a man ---- could not keep a job for more than a month.

The group, ---- is controlled by the state, earns a lot of money.

She confessed everything to her friend, ---- was very upset about it.

Are these the stairs ---- lead to the cellar?

The date ---- I am thinking of would not suit you.

She had blue eyes, ---- gave her a childish look.

Those ---- dare bet so much on a horse are crazy!

He has broken the mirror ---- I had kept for so long!

 ---- appalled me was the number of pills she took!





The people to ---- you are talking recognize my qualifications.

Here is the lady at ---- you have been looking for such a long time.

York is the town from ---- he has just come.

Bring me the knife with ---- I always cut my bread.

The insect about ---- you were talking is called a beetle.

Tell her you like everything in ---- she is interested, and she will dote on you.

The news at ---- you were so surprised had been broadcast the week before.

What is the music to ---- you are listening?

This is a town about ---- you should know a lot of things.