A . Recherche des phrases minimales dans un texte.


      1. Recopier le texte ci-dessous sur le cahier en sautant un interligne.


      2. Dans chaque phrase, encadrer le verbe, souligner le sujet.


      3. Eliminer tout ce qui n' est pas indispensable.


      4. Ecrire les phrases obtenues.


In 58 million homes, the VCR has become nearly as much a part of American life as the family car. But despite the VCR's advantages, video buffs complain about its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRs awkwardly cabled together. No wonder, then, that fans in Chicago's Consumer Electronics Show last week were excited by a new machine that eliminates the drawback. Moreover, its appearance was a triumph over well-wired opposition in Tokyo and Hollywood.

despite = in spite of              video buffs = video fans             drawback = inconvenience                          awkwardly = maladroitement


B. Reflexion

         Qu' a-t-on éliminé ? De quelle nature sont les éléments qui ne sont pas indispensables ?


C. Production

         Faites une "contraction" du texte suivant sur le même principe.


African elephants have been slaughtered at an alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world's ivory. Their population has dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older bigger-tusked animals have already been destroyed. "The poachers now must kill three times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory," explains Curtis Bohlen, senior vice president of the World Wildlife Fund.

to slaughter = to kill








A . Recherche des phrases minimales dans un texte.


      1. Recopier le texte ci-dessous sur le cahier en sautant un interligne.


      2. Dans chaque phrase, encadrer le verbe, souligner le sujet.


      3. Eliminer tout ce qui n' est pas indispensable.


      4. Ecrire les phrases obtenues.


In 58 million homes, the VCR has become nearly as much a part of American life as the family car. But despite the VCR's advantages, video buffs complain about its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRs awkwardly cabled together. No wonder, then, that fans in Chicago's Consumer Electronics Show last week were excited by a new machine that eliminates the drawback. Moreover, its appearance was a triumph over well-wired opposition in Tokyo and Hollywood.

despite = in spite of              video buffs = video fans             drawback = inconvenience                          awkwardly = maladroitement


B. Reflexion

         Qu' a-t-on éliminé ? De quelle nature sont les éléments qui ne sont pas indispensables ?


C. Production

         Faites une "contraction" du texte suivant sur le même principe.


African elephants have been slaughtered at an alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world's ivory. Their population has dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older bigger-tusked animals have already been destroyed. "The poachers now must kill three times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory," explains Curtis Bohlen, senior vice president of the World Wildlife Fund.

to slaughter = to kill



In 58 million homes, the VCR has become nearly as much a part of American life as the family car. But despite the VCR's advantages, video buffs complain about its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRs awkwardly cabled together. No wonder, then, that fans in Chicago's Consumer Electronics Show last week were excited by a new machine that eliminates the drawback. moreover, its appearance was a triumph over well-wired opposition in Tokyo and Hollywood.


The VCR has become a part of American life.

Video buffs complain about its limits.

To duplicate prerecorded movies requires two VCRs.

Fans were excited by a new machine that eliminates the drawback.

Its appearance was a triumph.



African elephants have been slaughtered at an alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world's ivory. Their population has dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older bigger-tusked animals have already been destroyed. "The poachers now must kill three times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory," explains Curtis Bohlen, senior vice president of the World Wildlife Fund.


African elephants have been slaughtered.

They are the primary source of ivory.

Their population has dwindled.

The rate of killing has been accelerating.

(Many of the older bigger-tusked animals have been destroyed.)

The poachers must kill three times as many elephants.


Awkwardly > maladroitement, mal