WHO s' utilise pour une personne  Who did you see? I saw Juliet. Qui as-tu vu? J' ai vu Juliet.

WHAT s' utilise pour un non-animé  What did you find? I found a nice jacket.

WHICH exprime le choix entre plusieurs possibilités   Which of these girls do you know? Laquelle de ces filles connais-tu?


REMARQUE: lorsque le pronom est sujet, l' auxiliaire n' apparaît pas   Who came? What happened?



Question sur la possession   Whose coat is it? It' s Jenny' s. A qui est ce manteau? Il est à Jenny.



WHY: question portant portant sur la cause          Why did you sell it? Because it was too old.

                                                                                        Pourquoi l' as-tu vendu? Parce qu' il était trop vieux.

WHAT FOR: question portant sur le but                What did you call him for? To ask him for dinner.

                                                                                        Pourquoi l' as-tu appelé? Pour l' inviter à dîner.



Where' s the nearest bus-stop? Just round the corner. Où se trouve l' arrêt de bus le plus proche? Juste au coin.

How far is the station? It' s two mile from here. La gare, c' est à combien d' ici? Question portant sur la distance.



When did he get there? On Monday. Quand est-il arrivé?

How long ago did he last write? Two months ago. Il y a combien de temps qu' il n' a pas écrit? Il y a deux mois.

How long has he been here? (For) two years. Cela fait combien de temps qu' il est ici? Deux ans.

How long does it take to get there? Two hours. Combien de temps faut-il pour s' y rendre?Deux heures.

How often does he visit her? Twice a year. Tous les combien lui rend-il visite? Deux fois par an.



How much (money) have you got? Combien + singulier (indénombrable)

How many people were there? Combien + pluriel



How is she? Comment va-t-elle? (état de santé)

How old is she? Quel âge a-t-elle?

What is she like? She' s tall and blue-eyed. Comment est-elle? Grande avec des yeux bleus.(on demande de décrire la personne)




I' d like to dance with you. : to dance est un infinitif complet (= précédé de TO) J' aimerais danser avec toi.

L' infinitif correspond à une action que l' on va faire.


I like dancing. : le gérondif est marqué par ING accolé au verbe. J' aime danser (j' aime l' activité de danser)

Le gérondif correpond souvent à un nom, c' est à dire à une activité dont on a l' expérience.


L' infinitif suit obligatoirement les verbes de volonté, de désir :

He wants to go tomorrow. Il veut partir demain.

to decide - to intend - to plan - to refuse  sont des verbes de volonté.


Autres verbes suivis de l' infinitif : to allow - I can' t afford - to ask - to expect - to force - to try

La négation se place avant TO : He asked her not to answer. Il lui demanda de ne pas répondre.


L' infinitif peut exprimer le but : He did it to help you. Il l' a fait pour t' aider (dans le but de t' aider)


Le gérondif, comme un nom, est souvent sujet de la phrase :

                Swimming is better than sun-bathing. La natation, c' est mieux que les bains de soleil.

On utilise le gérondif lorsqu' on exprime un goût ou un sentiment permanents :

                He hates walking. Il a horreur de la marche à pied.

On emploie toujours le gérondif après les prépositions (of, with, about, for, etc.) : He is fond of dancing. Il adore danser.

On utilise le gérondif dans les expressions suivantes :

to be busy (être occupé à ...) - I can' t help (je ne peux pas m' empécher de ...) - I can' t stand (je ne supporte pas de ...)

to spend time (passer du temps à ...) - Do you mind (cela vous gêne-t-il de ...) - etc.



Trouvez l' élément de la colonne de droite qui complète le mieux celui de la colonne de gauche.


1. Which of these two men do you like better?

a. For marrying Paul.

2. Who is she going to marry?

b. Because she' s going to marry Paul.

3. What did she do that for?

c. The younger one.

4. What did he blame her for?

d. To marry Paul of course.

5. Why is he so angry?

e. Paul, of course.


Complétez les blancs à l' aide des éléments donnés dans le cadre.


She found herself standing, hand clamped around her glass, in the cockpit of the yacht along with fourteen other people.

He said : " ------ 6. ------ another drink?"

"I don' t think so."

a. should I get bored

b. Do you need

c. Can I join you then

d. Do you want to be

e. Don' t you get bored

f. Why not

"------ 7. ------ alone?"

He had a charming voice. She said "not necessarily."

"------ 8. ------ ?". She hesitated and then smiled. "------ 9. ------ ?" His name was Cosmo Hamilton. He lived on the island, had lived here for twenty years.

"------ 10. ------ ?

"Why ------ 11. ------ ?"

"With  nothing to do."

"I have a thousand things to do."


Trouvez les questions correspondant aux mots soulignés.


12. It takes 4 hours to get there.

13. John bought the tickets.

14. He smokes 40 cigarettes a day.

15. She was a tall blue-eyed, fair-haired girl.

16. Well, it' s a bit cloudy but warm.

17. It' s £ 4.99. Quite a bargain.

18. He lived there for two years.

19. The station? Quite near in fact.


Complétez le dialogue suivant.


20. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

       Ann : I was born in 1968.

21. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

       Ann : Two brothers and one sister.

22. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

       Ann : My father was a psychiatrist

23. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

       Ann : We had lunch at 12 o' clock.

24. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

        Ann : Chicken, roast potatoes and apple pie.

25. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

        Ann : I went shopping with my friend Sue Perkins.

26. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

        Ann : Two hours, I think.

27. Detective : -------------------------------------------------

        Ann : No, the window was open but the front door wasn' t.




Dites si l' élément souligné peut être traduit par un infinitif ou un gérondif.




1. Ce qu' elle aimait le plus, c' était lire dans sa chambre.

2. Tu devrais essayer de lire cet article.

3. Il avait décidé de ne pas lire sa lettre.

4. La lecture est mon passe-temps favori.

5. Je déteste lire ses articles.

6. J' aimerais bien lire ce qu' il a écrit.




Complétez avec la forme qui convient : infinitif ou gérondif


7. He asked me ---------- (stay).

18. Do you really mind ---------- (serve) them?

8. You' re not expected ---------- (do) it for him.

19. I' m sure he' ll never allow me ---------- (have) a look at it.

9. I' d love ---------- (go) with you, but I' m afraid I can' t.

20. He likes ---------- (go out at night).

10. Don' t worry! I' m all right, I love ---------- (stay) in the sun.

21. He was afraid of ---------- (talk) to her.

11. Don' t you think he spends too much time ---------- (watch) TV?

22. He was fed up with ---------- (wait).

12. She' s keen on ---------- (ride) horses.

23. I' d like ---------- (tell) you about this.

13. She can' t help ---------- (think) that he is guilty.

24. I really enjoy ---------- (read) detective stories.

14. He was busy ---------- (write) letters.

25. I love ---------- (watch) American series on TV.

15. He' s already tried ---------- (convince) him.

26. He' s fond of ---------- (swim).

16. I' d love ---------- (show) you my new car.

27. He spends too much time ---------- (watch) TV. ----------

17. They forced him  ---------- (get out of the car) and asked him  ---------- (follow) them.

28. Leave him alone! Can' t you see he is busy ---------- (try) ---------- (fix) it!