A _Completez en utilisant a, an ou the. Mettez Æ s'il n'y a rien à ajouter.


Mr Blather: Mrs R.U. Bonkers? Mrs Bonkers: Yes, sir.

Mr Blather: Your profession ?

Mrs Bonkers: I'm ... hairdresser, sir.

Mr Blather: How fast were you driving when ... accident occured ?

Mrs Bonkers: Eighteen miles ... hour, sir.

Mr Blather: And this unfortunate accident took place ... Iast week, I believe.

Mrs Bonkers: Yes, sir. On ... Friday ... thirteenth to be precise. Mr Blather: Well, I'm sure ... most people would say you've simply been very unlucky, Mrs Bonkers.            

Mrs Bonkers: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. .

Mr Bluster: Poor Mrs Bonkers ! What . . . very "unlucky" woman you are ! I've never heard such . . . nonsense ! You would appear to have ... history of ... unlucky accidents, Mrs Bonkers.

Mrs Bonkers: Well, I've had one or two.

Mr Bluster: Indeed you have ! It would appear that you once ran into . .. "invisible" lamp-post. Do you honestly expect us to believe that ?

Mrs Bonkers: Well, yes. As I've already explained, ... Iamp-post was obscured by ... group of ... French tourists.

Mr Bluster: I see ! !t was . . fau!t of . . French, was it ? And whose fault was it this time,  Mrs Bonkers?

Mrs Bonkers: Well, it certainly wasn't mine. I was just waving to someone I hit ... few months ago when this punk in ... bright orange jeans ran out into ... road in front of me. I  had to swerve twice before I hit him. He admitted it was his fault and said he'd been knocked down several times before.


B_Completer par l'article approprié ou Æ.


1) ... Queen left ... U.K. with Prince Philip for ... Australia yesterday.

2) John had ... breakfast and then he went to .

3) Doctor Brown is he prefers.

4) Her daughter plays ... flute very well but her son prefers to play ... ruqby.


C_Complete with the or Æ


When Nadine Gordimer heard .,. Iast week that she had won ... 1991 Nobel Prize for ... Literature, ... South African novelist thought it her second great thrill in ... past two years.... first was ... Nelson Mandela's release from ... prison.

                        Newsweek, October 14, 1991


D_Choisissez pour chaque phrase le composé de some, any

ou no qui convient .

1. You can't tune it up by sitting and drinking and eating and not really doing ... but work.

   nothing / somewhere / anything

2. As awful as Vietnam's poverty is, the Vietnamese realize they are rejected and are welcome ....

   anywhere / nowhere / someone

3. I could see by the look on Jackson's face he knew he'd never    get ... with Ethel now.

   anywhere / nowhere / no one

4. America is a country ... should visit once in a lifetime.

   someone / anything / everyone

5. Our reporter asked the director of the university why ... would want to study on an  American campus.

   nothing / anybody / everything

6. You'll find useful information on . . . from world topics, to regional topics.

   something / everyone / everything


E_Completez a l'aide de a ou an

1.... elephant.        2...wall.

3.... M.P.                               4. ... RAF pilot.

5.... horse.             6. ... honest person.

7...year.                 8.... B.A.

9.... WWF booklet.             10.... EEC commission.


F_Completer avec l'article the ou 0.

... most of us believe that ... elderly people envy ... young. But ..

youth is not only about ... pursuit of ... freedom, ... making of friends or about ... love, it can also be ... most traumatic phase in... Iife.




G_Lire attentivement ce tableau et utiliser l'information qu'il contient afin de réaliser les exercices suivants.



female population in millions

% of women in labour force

% of women who are literate

female life expectancy

estimated births per woman






































a) Comparez les chiffres du tableau ci-dessus et complétez les phrases suivantes.

a) There are ... women in the labour force in Australia --- in Morroco.

b) On average, Italian women have ... children ... Danish women.

c) An American woman has ... children ... a Morrocan woman.

d) ... proportion of literate women is to be found in Australia, the U.S.A. and Denmark alike.

e) There are ten ...women in the U.S.A. ... in Morroco.


b) En utilisant les données du tableau ci-dessus, complétez chacun des blancs des phrases suivantes en vous fondant sur le rapport logique entre les deux parties de phrase.

a) ... children a woman has, ... her life is.

b) ... literate a woman is, ... children she has.

c) ... Ghana and Morroco are both African countries, their rates of working women are totally different.


H_Complete the sentences using the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or the superlative.


1. The ... we leave, the ... it will be. (early, good)

2. It is the ... day in his life. (happy)

3. Ann has got three sisters. Her ... sister is a secretary. (old)

4. You are standing too near the door. Can you move a bit ... away ? (far)

5. Why does he always visit me at the ... possible moments ? (bad)


I_Comparer (une seule comparaison demandée)


1. John is twelve, David is fourteen.


2. This book of poetry is £ 9, the novel is £ 1.



J_Compléter en utilisant l'adjectif entre parenthèses.


1. This film is ... I have ever seen. (bad)

2. I think it's ... than the film we saw yesterday. (good)

3. This camera is ... in the shop. (expensive)


K_Dans l'exercice suivant utiliser l'adjectif entre parenthèses pour former le comparatif de supériorité ou le superlatif de supériorité.


1. Yes, I have got two sisters; may I introduce to (young) ?

2. He used to fasten it to (low) part of the gate.

3. He is (happy) boy in the world now.

4. She always curled her (up) lip, as if she was smiling.

5. She is certainly (irascible) of the two !

6. They are all shy, but Tony is (timorous).

7. It was (original) of the two.

8. Of the two horoscopes, which is (ominous) ?

9. As I wanted to know every detail, I asked (talkative) of the two caretakers.

10. She is said to be (plump) of the four children.

11. If I had known he belonged to (up) classes, I would not have asked him.

12.I know this record is £2 cheaper, but which is (interesting) ?

13. His reading was (audible) of all.

14. One of its (good) qualities is that it is shock-proof.

15. I am afraid it is (dark) of the two rooms.

16. She said he was (pretentious) of the two brothers.