A_ Lisez le texte et pour chacun des groupes de mots soulignés choisissez la traduction qui convient.


He could be (1) an angel, so enchanting when he chose. And when he wasn't an angel, there was always a reason; but one had to know him (2) in order to see the reason. Probably, they wouldn't be able to (3) see the reason. They had been away so long, they might have forgotten (4) what he was like. She alone knew him and loved him. And one day she would have to leave him (5).



a) Il pourrait être.


b) Il aurait pu être.


c) Il pouvait être.


a) On l'aurait connu.


b) Il fallait le connaître.


c) On l'avait connu.


a) Ils ne pourraient pas.


b) Ils ne devaient pas.


c) Ils ne pouvaient pas.


a) Ils avaient du oublier.


b) Il se pourrait qu'ils oublient.


c) Il se pouvait qu'ils aient oublié.


a) Elle devait le quitter.


b) Elle devrait le quitter.


c) Elle pourrait le quitter.


B_ Utilisez un modal ou son équivalent au temps et à la forme qui conviennent.


1. Ask your Mum about your problem; she should ---- help you.

2. He knows a lot about films; he ---- go to the cinema a lot, that's certain.

3. We've only just had lunch; you ---- be hungry already !

4. I'm not sure, but she ---- be ill.

5. I don't want anybody to know about it; you ---- tell anyone.

6. I stayed in bed this morning; as it was my day off, I ---- go to work.

7. She's been coughing a lot recently; she ---- smoke so much.


C_ Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets coupled with a modal. Attention must be paid to the necessary adjustments.


1. He isn't here today. he ---- ill, otherwise he'd be here. (be)

2. They ---- tomorrow, I really can't tell. (come)

3. They ---- to their grandmother on her birthday, now it's too late. (write)

4. Bruce ---- his exam; we hope so but we haven't heard from him yet. (pass)

5. I ---- my umbrella at school, I can't find it. What a nuisance! (leave)


D_ Complétez à l'aide d'un modal afin que la phrase ait un sens logique. Chacun ne sera employé qu'une fois.


1. You ---- take your coat, I've sent it to the dry-cleaner's.

2. You ---- take your coat, it's warm enough.

3. You ---- take your coat, it might get colder later on.

4. You ---- take your coat if you like, I've sewn on the missing button.

5. You ---- take your coat, it is ten below zero.


E_ Reformulez les phrases suivantes à l'aide d'un modal en utilisant l'amorce donnée et en conservant le sens global.


1. If I were you I wouldn't drive without your parents'permission.  You ----

2. Perhaps fred saw the Porsche. Fred ----

3. I'm sure that doctor's children are very rich.

    That doctor's children ----

4. I'm sure they didn't leave without saying goodbye, they're far too polite. They ----


F_ Les éléments suivants doivent être insérés dans les espaces vides et mis à la forme qui convient selon le contexte (attention aux temps). Tous les éléments doivent être utilisés une seule fois.

have to / have got to / be to / should / should have / must have / must be + -ing

Mary was sitting in the park expecting Paul who ---- (meet) her there at four. She ---- (be) twenty year old at the time. She was quite surprised when she saw him hurry across the park at three thirty. "We ---- (talk)", he said. "I'm afraid we'll ---- (make) new arrangements for the wedding. I don't think we can afford the trip to Venice we had planned together." "You ---- (joke) ! You ---- (tell) me before !" He suddenly looked terribly depressed and said reproachfully, "You ---- (be) more understanding."


G_ Use the prompts to rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.


1. I regret having bought this car.

                I wish ----

2. She would prefer him not to drive so fast.

                She had rather ----

3. You cannot deny that you were late.

                There is no ----

4. It is wrong that he should waste so much time.

                It is wrong for ----

5. I have never seen a more fanatical supporter than James.

                James is the ----

6. The plane did not fly high enough.

                The plane should ----

7. They are in the habit of spending their holidays at the seaside.

                They are used to ----

8. I refuse to believe that he did the job alone.

                He cannot ----


H_ Rephrase the following sentences starting as indicated.


1. I regret having lied to him.

                I wish ----

2. "How many girls are there in the form ?

                She asked me ----

3. It's not necessary for you to train every day.

                You ----

4. That's the best film I've ever seen.

                I've ----

5. "I wouldn't go windsurfing so close to the beach if I were you.

                She said to her brother ----

6. You really ought to do something about that damp spot in the kitchen.

                It's time ----

7. I haven't heard from the Bellises for ages.

                It's ages ----

8. Everybody believed she fled from her Thailand jail with the help of her boyfriend.

                She ----

9. Though he read a lot, his spelling remained appalling.

                However ----

10. It's almost sure he was bitten by a stray dog.

                He ----


I_ Reformulez les phrases suivantes à l'aide de l'amorce proposée sans en modifier le sens.


1. I've never seen such a film !

                It's ----

2. It's twenty years since he died.

                He ----

3. If they don't agree to stop smoking, they won't be allowed to enter.

                Unless ----

4. I like rap whereas my brother prefers classical music.

                Unlike ----

5. Potatoes are quite cheap but yams are expensive on the island.

                Potatoes are not ----

6. They were filming the crowd when fighting broke out.

                The crowd ----


J_ Répondez à l'indication donnée entre parenthèses: reliez les deux phrases pour n'en faire qu'une en ajoutant l'élément approprié ou Ø. Apportez si nécessaire à la phrase donnée les modifications indispensables et n'utilisez qu'une fois les mots de liaisons que vous choisirez.

1. I wanted to go out. Still, it had been raining for a long time. (concession)

2. He was unable to join us for the game. he was sick in bed. (reason)

3. I won't mind going. However, they'll have to invite me first. (condition)

4. This is their car. They bought that car last week. (relative)

5. She has been working very hard. She wants to pass that exam. (purpose)

6. There were no windows open in the house. It was surprising. (relative)

7. She spent five years in England. naturally she speaks English now. (result)

8. He will go to the cinema. he must finish his work first. (time)

9. He worked hard; his brother was lazy. (contrast)

10. I'll get the room ready. you go and collect him at the station. (simultaneity)