
Civilisation Quiz – Choose the correct answer  

( Version Interactive Hot Potatoes )

 ( All the answers )

1- Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch is
a- the name of a town in North Wales
b- an imaginary name from Alice in Wonderland
c- the password to enter Buckingham Palace

2- English is officially recognised in
a- 21 countries
b- 31 countries
c- 45 countries

3- The English alphabet is composed of
a- 26 letters
b- 28 letters
c- 31 letters

4- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is
a- the longest nonsense word used by Mary Poppins
b- a famous tongue twister used by teachers
c- a portmanteau word used to describe something tasty

5- In the English alphabet, there are
a- 4 vowels
b- 5 vowels
c- 6 vowels

6- ' OUGH' can be pronounced in many different ways. How many?
a- 3 ways
b- 7 ways
c- 12 ways

7- The sign XXXX
a- is often found at the end of a letter or card
b- means the author is not known
c- indicates this product is dangerous

8- When people take a photo in Britain, they say
a- cheese !
b- please !
c– freeze !

9- The Cockneys in London say 'apples and pears' for
a- stairs
b- money
c- fruit

10- In the official Scrabble dictionary, there are
a- 106 two-letter words
b- many four-letter words
c- billions of words

11 - Which is the correct spelling of this American state from the South-East?
a- Mississipi
b- Missisippi
c- Mississippi

12- The acronym ' B & B' means
a- bad breath
b- bed and breakfast
c– beautiful and British

13- Upper-class people (also known as U-people) never say 'mirror' like non -U people do, they say
a- a window
b- a reflection
c- a looking-glass

14- It's politically correct to say 'optically -challenged' instead of
a- deaf
b- mute
c- blind

15- When an Englishman hurts himself, he shouts
a- Atishoo !
b- Bow Wow !
c- Ouch !

16- On the American banner, called the 'Stars and Stripes', there are
a- 49 stars
b- 50 stars
c- 51 stars

17- In England, the average Englishman buys 5 kilos of tea
a- every week
b- every month
c- every year

18- 'The Sun' is a British popular paper, it sells about
a- 400,000 copies a day
b- 4 million copies a day
c- 4 million copies a week

19- The Wall Street crash of 1929 is known as
a- Bloody Sunday
b- Black Thursday
c- Merry Christmas

20- 'In God We Trust', this motto con be read
a- on entering a church
b- on any dollar bill
c- on the Union Jack

21- In England beer is drunk by the pint. One pint is about
a- 25 cl
b- 33 cl
c- 58 cl

22- 'Brunch' is the name given to
a- a hamburger
b- a small tree
c- a meal

23- The Tube is the other name given to
a- London's underground
b- The Channel Tunnel
c- Big Ben

24- YMCA is
a- a famous American anthem
b- a popular dance
c- a hostel for men only

(Compilation réalisée par Yvan BAPTISTE, Lycée Jean Lurçat, Perpignan)


Answers to the quiz

 1 - Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch is the name of a town in North Wales.

2 -English is officially recognised in 45 countries.

3- The English alphabet is composed of 26 letters.

4 - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is the longest nonsense word used by Mary Poppins.

5 -In the English alphabet, there are 5 vowels.

6 -' OUGH' con be pronounced in 12 different ways.

7 - The sign XXXX is of ten found et the end of a letter or card.

8 - When people take a photo in Britain, they say 'cheese !'

9 - The Cockneys in London say 'apples and pears' for 'stairs'

10 - In the official Scrabble dictionary, there are 106 two-letter words.

11 - The correct spelling of this American state from the South-East is Mississippi.

12 - The acronym 'B & B' means 'bed and breakfast'

13 - Upper -class people  never say 'mirror', they say 'a looking glass' .

14 - It's politically correct to say 'optically-challenged' instead of 'blind'.

15 -When an Englishman hurts himself, he shouts 'Ouch !'

16 - On the American banner, called the 'Stars and Stripes', there are 50 stars.

17 -In England, the average Englishman buys 5 kilos of tea every year.

18 - 'The Sun' is a British popular paper, it sells about 4 million copies a day.

19 -The Wall Street crash of 1929 is known as 'Black Thursday'.

20 - 'In God We Trust', this motto con be read on any dollar bill. The others pay cash ...

21 - In England beer is drunk by the pint. One pint is about 58 cl.

22 - ' Brunch' is the name given to a meal.

23 - The Tube is the other name given to London's underground.

24 - YMCA is a hostel for men only.